Was this the worst school year ever?

Have you been thinking about homeschooling but don’t know where to start?

Do your kids have educational needs that the school is just not fulfilling?

Do you just want to know what questions to ask or what roadblocks may play into making the leap to homeschooling or not?

Our Stress Free Guide to Deciding if Homeschooling is Right for You and Your Family is a step-by-step workbook that will walk you through the necessary questions to determine if homeschooling is right for you and your family. 

After 13 years of homeschooling, we have distilled the information that you need to think about into an easy to fill out workbook. Nothing could be easier to help you make the life-changing decision of whether to homeschool or not.

Save Time and Frustration

If you're thinking about homeschooling, chances are you really don't even know what questions to ask or where to begin. You have something in your gut telling you to explore homeschooling, but the thought is completely overwhelming.

Our Stress Free Guide to Deciding if Homeschooling is Right for You and Your Family saves you days of internet surfing and hours of searching online forums and helps you focus on the things that will impact your decision. It will help you know what questions to ask and know exactly what to look for as you reach your decision of whether to homeschool. 

Make an Informed Decision

To homeschool or not - stop thinking about it and make a well informed decision of whether it will work for your family.

What if you could decide for certain within a few hours whether homeschooling is right for you and your family, and if not, divert your energies into finding an alternate education solution for your child?  

What if you could stop spinning your wheels, stop lying awake at night thinking about it, quiet the anxiety over the decision and gain some peace knowing you made the right education choice for your child?  

With our easy to fill out workbook, you will:

  • Save Countless Hours: Spend a day filling the workbook and make your decision.
  • Gain Confidence knowing you are making the right decision: Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. After you complete the questions in the workbook, you’ll know if it’s right for your family, lifestyle and needs.
  • Quickly move on to the next stage in your decision making: begin your homeschooling journey knowing the right questions to ask, begin looking for another education solution or start an advocacy campaign with your current school.

If you are thinking about homeschooling, you owe it to yourself to start your decision making process in the most efficient and well informed manner possible.

Below are sample pages from the workbook:

Sample Pages From Workbook

About the Author

I have homeschooled my kids for 13 years, from kindergarten to high school. I have spoken across the country at homeschooling conventions as well as on international platforms on home education and am also author of Sarden’s Practical Guide: How to Start Homeschooling.

I have been where you are, having to decide whether to leave my corporate legal job to homeschool my children or find a school for them. While I ultimately chose to homeschool, every family is different and the decision to homeschool is very personal and must be re-evaluated on an annual basis.

During and just after COVID, so many families turned to homeschooling but many of those families have returned their kids to school or are looking for other educational options. I created this workbook to help you decide whether homeschooling is right for you and your family before you jump into a lifestyle that just doesn’t work for your family. If you decide that it will work, this workbook will provide you with a solid planning foundation.

What to do now?

Simply follow our guided decision making in the fillable workbook and in a matter of hours, you’ll know for certain whether homeschooling is right for you and your family.

The Details:

Enjoy bonus access to one of my standing room only presentations on how to teach your kids critical thinking skills by using the Socratic method while teaching kids at home. You can use the same method with your traditionally schooled kids!

You’ll receive updates via email as we get closer to release.

Release date for workbook and Socratic Method presentation: June 7, 2024

You’ll walk away with a structured and simple guide to help you make one of the most impactful decisions of your child’s education career.

Enjoy pre-release price and bonus presentation. Price will increase after June 7th!


One low and easy payment

You have nothing to lose but time and uncertainty!